
Obelink chooses for newest Winterwarm air heater WWH-LT

Obelink Vrijetijdsmarkt is internationally known for its large choice of camping products, tents, caravans, sports clothing, garden furniture, etc. From the start at the present location the halls they built were heated with Winterwarm unit air heaters; some heaters still present date back as far as the 1970's! In each hall one can see another generation Winterwarm heaters. Recently the new visitors restaurant was completed. For heating this room they chose for sustainable low temperature heaters, connected to a low temperature boiler.

  • Obelink Vrijetijdsmarkt
  • Winterswijk (NL)

Project description

Name company: Obelink Vrijetijdsmarkt
Location: Winterswijk (NL)
Activities company: leisure market for camping products, caravans and outdoor activities
Reason for installation: New
Measurements hall: 45x 15 x 3 m.
Other information/special circumstances/demands customer: low temperature heating

Supplied heaters: 4 x WWH 110 LT

Products used in this project

The Winterwarm WWH LT range are LPHW heaters especially developed for low water temperatures.

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