
New location for Dalsem Complete Greenhouse Projects

One of the worst things an entrepreneur can happen is that his building is caught on fire. Unfortunately, this is exactly what happened at Dalsem Greenhouse Projects from Den Hoorn. However, the owner looked to the future and made new plans. A complete new building was built and of course a new heating installation was needed. Van Dalsem had previously good experiences with the Winterwarm XR and choose again for these cost effective heaters completed with WCU destratification fans to distribute the heat.

  • Dalsem
  • Den Hoorn (NL)

Project description

Name company: Dalsem Complete Greenhouse Projects
Location: Den Hoorn
Activities compan: Dalsem develops and carries out complete greenhouse projects all over the world
Reason for installation: New building
Measurements hall: 120 x 100 x 7 m.
Other information/special circumstances/demands customer: building is divided in 3 halls of which one is used by Dalsem. Owner had preference for XR unit air heaters. As extra WCU destratification fans were advised.

Supplied heaters (for whole building): 18x XR 50 unit air heaters
Extra supplied products: 28x WCU 40

Products used in this project


Winterwarm air-circulation units ensure good heat distribution and optimise the use of the heated air.

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