Simple concept of air heating asks for a lot of know-how
Airheating is suitable for all kinds of spaces. Winterwarm is specialized in air heaters for different types of commercial and industrial buildings (Industrial) and for poultry- and glasshouses (Agri). The most important advantage of air heating is that the heated air is immediately distributed in the room. This opposite to spaces which are heated by floorheating, radiators or radiation. However, to do this in an energy saving, comfortable and safe manner this asks for specialised knowledge which Winterwarm posesses.
Winterwarm, more than 80 years of knowledge and experience in air heating
As one of the leading manufacturers in air heating in Europe our professionals are happy to advice you with an existing situation or with a new project. Together we reach a heating solution which complies with your wishes and needs while energy costs are limited as much as possible, no matter whether you have a commercial building or a poultry house.
Industrial and Agricultural market
Industrial air heating
To heat a commercial building, shop or warehouse, air heating is the most logical solution. The environment quickly reaches the desired temperature and there is a high comfort level. Heat loss is minimised due to smart c...
More informationAgricultural air heating
The Winterwarm air heaters are mainly gas-fired although there is also a diesel range available. Winterwarm has applied its extensive experience in the industrial air heater market to heaters for the agricultural market.
More information
Reliable advice
Your national dealer is happy to advice you when calculating the necessary capacity, whether it is a poultry house, glass house, workshop, warehouse, etc. They can help you selecting the correct unit air heater and the necessary accessories. Based on these calculations they can also make a price offer for you.
No dealer in your country? Do not hesitate to contact our export department: